Mediclinic’s Care Expert programme uses a world-class electronic database to capture and report clinical outcomes data. Here’s how it adds value to the experience of our orthopaedic patients.

Is surgery my only option? What support will I receive? How will I function afterwards? These are some of the questions orthopaedic patients tend to wonder about when they’re about to embark on a complex health journey.

The answers to navigate these questions are best viewed in terms of outcomes measurement. Clinicians can now capture and report clinical outcomes data on an electronic platform that forms part of Mediclinic’s Care Expert programme and is designed to reflect the outcomes that matter to patients.

Dr Basil Bonner, Clinical Product Development Manager at Mediclinic, explains that the database, called Amplitude, enables specialists to create accurate “before” and “after” snapshots of a patient’s wellbeing. They do this by assigning measurable aspects of care to a score ahead of the procedure delivery, for example, pain or anxiety. After the procedure they reevaluate the score. Patients can then appreciate how much their condition has improved, and care providers can evaluate the quality of the care rendered, as well as identify, and correct any gaps in care provisioning.

The score is calibrated across three value-based care aspects:

  1. Capability. Imagine that a patient is referred for a consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon because they have been experiencing chronic hip pain. Capability refers to the limitations on mobility and quality of life associated withthe pain, in other words, are they still able to walk, drive or exercise pain-free, for example?
  2. Comfort. This refers not only to physical comfort, but also the steps taken to address the concerns a patient may experience before and after a procedure, often reflected as anxiety. Comfort encompasses the efforts of the doctor and Care Expert Navigator make to address aspects of discomfort, e.g., explaining the full implications of any required procedures, or prescribing medication to relieve pain.
  3. Calm. This refers to the ease with which the patient was able to navigate the complex care journey, and reflects all aspects of the pre- hospital, hospital and post- discharge experience. This process is facilitated by the Care Expert Navigator who acts as a personal care coordinator to explain and optimise hospital processes. The Care Expert Navigator walks alongside the patient through every step of their journey until they can function with normal premorbid ability and expectations. 

The Amplitude database captures all outcomes related to each of these elements. This creates a holistic view of the impact the treatment has had on the patient. It highlights areas of concern and paves the way for enhanced patient care, which improves quality-of-life outcomes.

The platform benefits all stakeholders, as it captures data in a standardised format and is available to all designated healthcare professionals, with the patient’s permission. This enables comparison of outcomes and benchmarking thereof against industry outcomes and efficiency standards.

Significant advantage

The most significant advantage of Amplitude is its ability to reflect the value – and therefore quality – of the care provided. “Doctors are able to show the actions they take to prepare their patients for surgery, how they get them ready for discharge, and how these impact cost containment and quality, for example,” Dr Bonner says.

Amplitude is open to all patients and surgeons, regardless of funder, model of care or orthopaedic service line. The system is simple, quick, intuitive, and easy to use.

“This is the evolution of patient care,” Dr Bonner says. “It is now easier for doctors to communicate with the patient, other specialists on the patient’s team, and the Care Expert Navigator. It’s a massive development in the transition to value-based care.”