
Mediclinic Precise is proud to announce the upgraded non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) which now includes screening for foetal Rhesus D (RhD) status.

According to Dr Liani Smit, “If an RhD- woman is pregnant with an RhD+ baby, there is a risk that her body may produce antibodies (infection fighting molecules) when exposed to the positive blood group. RhD is the part of your blood grouping that makes you a positive or negative blood group. For example, someone who is O+, A+, B+, or AB+ blood group is RhD positive. If someone is O-, A-, B-, AB-, they are RhD negative.”

The significance of these NIPT results is in how the mother is clinically managed before giving birth. Usually, in pregnancy, the doctor won't know if the baby is RhD+ or RhD- until birth; therefore, all pregnancies of RhD- women will be treated similarly and be given an injection called anti-D immunoglobin as if the baby is RhD+. Anti-D immunoglobulin aims to prevent the mother’s body from producing antibodies and is given at certain time intervals during pregnancy, as well as during labour or invasive procedures such as amniocentesis. Challenges do exist in terms of the availability and costs of this medication.

“For the same reason, someone who has a negative blood group must receive negative blood if they need a blood transfusion. The first-time exposure to Rh+ blood occurs in an Rh- person either due to a previous transfusion or previous pregnancy which is called ‘sensitisation’. The second time exposure occurs, the pregnant woman’s body produces antibodies immediately which may cross the placenta causing complications like anaemia and jaundice in her baby,” Dr Smit explains. However, if a baby is RhD- just like the mother, these risks are voided.

With this specific NIPT test, the Mediclinic Precise team can now detect, with a high degree of accuracy, in a non-invasive way (maternal blood draw from 9 weeks) if the foetus is RhD- or RhD+. If negative, anti-D immunoglobulin does not need to be given to the mother therefore, influences pregnancy management for obstetricians and has resulting cost and time savings as well.

Not all NIPT tests can detect foetal RhD status. Ask your obstetrician for the Mediclinic Precise Panorama NIPT or visit our website for more information.