Pregnancy and Baby

What’s the craziest pregnancy myth you’ve heard? They can range from extremely outlandish to surprisingly effective and we’re here to demystify them.

Join us on a pregnancy myth-busting mission with obstetrician and gynaecologist, Dr Avril Moodley, in this episode of The Health Wrap Trying To Conceive Series. We want to know which of these funny and strange stories are rooted in truth.

From conception-aiding activities and recommended foods and tips for giving birth, this episode is jam-packed with helpful information for anyone planning for parenthood.

If you haven’t subscribed yet, make sure you do so that you don’t miss any future Mediclinic seasons. This podcast is produced by 2Stories for Mediclinic, written by Linda Scarborough, produced by Carol Williams with audio editing, engineering, and sound design by Kozi Mzimela and Jordyn Toohey.

Skip to the good parts:

[00:02:29] Examples of some crazy pregnancy myths.

[00:06:36] How pregnancy and delivery is depicted on screen vs. in real life.

[00:09:38] The best place to get information on your path to pregnancy.

[00:12:58] Activities, rituals and food that help with conception.

[00:14:15] The link between diet and fertility.

[00:16:16] How the pH of the vagina influences the gender of the baby.

[00:19:14] Food and drinks to be careful about when pregnant.

[00:22:36] Does intense heartburn during pregnancy mean your baby has a full head of hair?

[00:24:27] If you’ve had a baby, is it true that you won’t have trouble conceiving again?

[00:26:07] Is there such a thing as secondary infertility?

[00:27:55] Can a woman have vaginal birth if they’ve had a caesarean section?