Core competencies
Body contouring surgery, cosmetic and reconstructuve breast surgery and facial plastic surgery.
- HPCRegNo
- MP0760935
- PracticeNo
- 0360001143700
- 1998
- Foreign
- 2019
- FC Plast Surg (SA), Colleges of Medicine
- 2019
- MMed (Plast Surg), University of the Free State
Dr Shashi Agarwal
Physical Address:
Mediclinic Bloemfontein, Suite C113 Mediclinic 3rd Avenue, Bloemfontein
Mediclinic Bloemfontein, Suite C113 Mediclinic 3rd Avenue, Bloemfontein
Publications & videos
Mole patrol: why skin cancer screening is important
When to see a psychiatrist and what to expect
Why prostate check-ups are crucial
Orthopaedic surgeon: do I need to see one?
Gynaecologists: when should I see one?
Colonoscopy: When to have one and what to expect
Cardiologist: do you need to see one?
Mammograms: What are they and do I need one?
Are energy drinks really a health risk?