Application Fee*

All qualifying applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable application fee of R450. Banking details will only be provided to qualifying applicants.

Please ensure that your proof of payment is attached to your application.

Mediclinic does not provide accommodation, transport or meals for any programme.

* Only applicable for the formal qualifications: Diploma & Higher Certificate

Diploma & Certificate Level Qualifications


Higher Certificate and Diploma Programmes

  1. Students need to buy their own prescribed books
  2. Student numbers are limited to the maximum number allowed by legislative bodies
  3. There is an R 450.00 application fee when applying for these programmes
  4. Students are required to have indemnity cover which will be arranged by Mediclinic (Pty) Ltd at a cost of R 390.00, which is not included in the programme fee.

Prices are subject to change without notice

Short Courses


10 Month Courses

1. Students need to buy their own prescribed books if required

2. If examinations require flights and/or accommodation, this is to be covered by the client

3. Mediclinic can only offer clinical accompaniment based on educator capacity

4. Courses will not be offered if less than five (5) students in total enrol on the course. Courses will be cancelled a month before the starting date and clients will be informed and any applicable fees refunded

5. Students are required to have indemnity cover, which Mediclinic (Pty) Ltd will arrange at the cost of R 360.00, which is not included in the course fee

Prices are subject to change without notice




6 Month Courses

1.      Students need to buy their own prescribed books if required

2.      If examinations require flights and / or accommodation this is to be covered by the client

3.      Mediclinic can only offer clinical accompaniment based on educator capacity

4.      Courses will not be offered if less than five (5) students in total enrol on the course. Courses will be cancelled a month before the starting date and clients will be informed and any applicable fees refunded

5.      Students are required to have indemnity cover, which Mediclinic (Pty) Ltd will arrange at a cost of R 360.00, which is not included in the course fee

Prices are subject to change without notice.


4 Month Courses

1.      These prices exclude clinical accompaniment. If a client is unable to provide a mentor an additional fee of R 2946.30 will be charged per student. Mediclinic can only offer accompaniment based on the educator's capacity

2.      Courses will not be offered if less than five (5) students in total enrol on the course. Courses will be cancelled a month before the starting date and clients will be informed and any applicable fees refunded

3.      Students are required to have indemnity cover, which Mediclinic (Pty) Ltd will arrange at a cost of R 360.00, which is not included in the course fee.

Prices are subject to change without notice.


AHA Workshops

1.      Mediclinic  (Pty) Ltd has an agreement with the AHA to function as an International Training Centre

2.      Clients will be responsible for costs if travel of the facilitators is required

 Prices are subject to change without notice.

Continuous Professional Development


Clinical practice guideline activities

  1. R250.00 (ex VAT) discount applicable to face-to-face delivery of the theory component.

CPD pricing (for external attendees)

  1. The applicable professional body stipulates the CPD activity accreditation.
  2. The CPD activity – level 1 & 2 (individual flat fee) is the minimum fee payable by an individual attendee. A minimum number of attendees, special tariffs, and group discounts may still be applied this is to be discussed with the relevant training manager at the time of quoting

 Prices are subject to change without notice.