Unlock the secrets of your DNA and embark on a journey towards personalised health with Mediclinic PRECISE. Discover how our genetic health services can transform your well-being, one gene at a time.

Decoding Your DNA: The Key to Personalized Health

The blueprint for our wellbeing lies in the vast universe of our genes. At Mediclinic Precise, we unlock the secrets hidden within your DNA, empowering you to take control of your health like never before.

Unraveling Genetic Conditions

From rare monogenic disorders to complex multifactorial diseases, our team of experts navigates the intricate world of genetic variations. With over 6,000 known monogenic disorders and an estimated 65% of the population at risk for polygenic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, understanding your genetic makeup is crucial.

Genetic Counseling: Your Guiding Light

Our certified genetic counsellors are your trusted partners on this journey. Comprehensive assessments of your medical and family history provide invaluable insights into your genetic predispositions. With their expertise, you'll gain a deep understanding of inheritance patterns, testing options, and risk management strategies.

Precision Medicine: Tailored to Your Unique Code

One-size-fits-all healthcare is a relic of the past. At Mediclinic Precise, we harness the power of precision medicine, tailoring treatments and prevention plans to your individual genetic profile. By aligning your care with your DNA, we maximise effectiveness and optimise your wellbeing.

Empowering Knowledge, Transforming Lives

Genetic information is a powerful tool, and we believe in equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your health and that of your loved ones. Our team translates complex genetic data into actionable insights, ensuring you are prepared for the emotional and psychological implications of your results.

What the Mediclinic Genetic Health Clinic can do for you

Click on the interactive dots below to find out more.

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Want to use your genetic makeup to optimise your health?
Have a family history of chronic disease? Want to understand your own risk?
Want to understand the genetic factors of a disease diagnosis? Need to optimise a drug treatment?
Planning to have a family? Concerned about genetic risks?
Pregnant and interested in pre- or post-natal genetic testing?
Referred for genetic testing? Need help with interpreting a genetic test result?