Core competencies
Dr Emeka Orie is Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. He has special interest in General Obstetrics and Gynaecology including Endoscopy and Infertility.
He has 14 years’ experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
- HPCRegNo
- MP0547085
- PracticeNo
- 0160000415243
- 1997
- Foreign
- 2005
- Dip Obst (SA), Colleges of Medicine
- 2009
- FCOG (SA), Colleges of Medicine
- 2011
- MMed (O and G), University of Kwazulu Natal
Emeka Orie
Physical Address:
23 Theo Kleynhans Street, White River , 1240
23 Theo Kleynhans Street, White River , 1240
Practices at
Publications & videos
Mole patrol: why skin cancer screening is important
When to see a psychiatrist and what to expect
Why prostate check-ups are crucial
Orthopaedic surgeon: do I need to see one?
Gynaecologists: when should I see one?
Colonoscopy: When to have one and what to expect
Cardiologist: do you need to see one?
Mammograms: What are they and do I need one?
Are energy drinks really a health risk?