Core competencies
Dr Mbungu's work in reproductive medicine is driven by a desire to assist couples to achieve their family goals and empower women to take charge of their fertility choices. She finds obstetrics particularly rewarding, cherishing the moments when families are united with their newborns. Dr Mbungu's expertise extends to endoscopic surgery, and she has a keen interest in endometriosis.
- HPCRegNo
- MP0728950
- PracticeNo
- 0160001141376
- 2010
- MBChB, University of Cape Town
- 2018
- FCOG (SA), Colleges of Medicine
- 2018
- MMed (O & G), University of Stellenbosch
- 2023
- Cert Reproductive Medicine (SA)
Nomaphelo Mbungu
Physical Address:
Room 2085A, 2nd Floor, Medical Centre, Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt, 7 Broadway Street, Bellville, 7530
Room 2085A, 2nd Floor, Medical Centre, Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt, 7 Broadway Street, Bellville, 7530
Practices at
Publications & videos
When to see a psychiatrist and what to expect
Why prostate check-ups are crucial
Orthopaedic surgeon: do I need to see one?
Gynaecologists: when should I see one?
Colonoscopy: When to have one and what to expect
Cardiologist: do you need to see one?
Mammograms: What are they and do I need one?
Are energy drinks really a health risk?
Gender Based Violence